天津家教 天津家教网 每日一句英语入门(二十五)

来源:天津津师吧家教中心 日期:2013-9-26

来源:天津家教  天津小学家教  天津初中家教  天津高中家教  天津艺考生家教   天津高中英语家教  天津大学生家教  天津上门家教  天津一对一家教   天津津师吧家教jsbjj.365lzw.cn


Keep Him in Bed                              天津英语家教   天津小学英语家教  天津初中英语家教  天津高中英语家教jsbjj.365lzw.cn

Mrs. Welsh: Get up, Peter. It's late. Mrs.


Peter: I can't get up, Mom. I'm ill.


Mrs. Welsh: What's the matter with you? Mrs.


Peter: I have a headache and a bad stomachache.


Mrs Welsh: You have a fever too. I'm going to call Dr Dawes. Don't get out of bed.          天津英语家教   天津小学英语家教  天津初中英语家教  天津高中英语家教jsbjj.365lzw.cn

Mrs Welsh:你可能是发烧了,我去叫Dr Dawes,呆在床上别起来。

Peter: Oh, I can't get out of bed. I'm too ill.


Mrs. Welsh: Operator, give me spring 3-2546, please. Hello, this is Mrs. Welsh. Is Dr Dawes there? Thank you. I'll wait. . . Dr Dawes, this is Mrs. Welsh. Can you come to the house, please?

Mrs. Welsh:接线员,请帮我接3-2546。你好,我是Mrs. Welsh,请问是Dr Dawes吗?谢谢,我会等。Dr Dawes,我是Mrs. Welsh,你能来下我家吗?

Dr Dawes: Who's ill?

Dr Dawes:谁病了?

Mrs. Welsh: Peter, my son. Mrs.


Dr Dawes: What's the matter with him?

Dr Dawes:他怎么样了?

Mrs. Welsh: I don't know. He has a headache, a bad stomachache and a fever. Mrs.


Dr Dawes: Keep him in bed. Where do you live?

Dr Dawes:让他呆在床上。你住在哪里?

Mrs. Welsh: We live at 44 Washington Avenue.

Mrs. Welsh:我们住在华盛顿街道44号。

Dr Dawes: All right, Mrs. Welsh, I'll be there soon.

Dr Dawes:好的,Mrs. Welsh,我很快就到那里。

Mrs. Welsh: Thank you. Good-bye Dr Dawes.

Mrs. Welsh:谢谢,再见Dr Dawes。

 Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.

Harry is looking at a man in the street. He is talking to Jack about the man.
Harry: Who's that man with the black bag?
Jack: I can't see a man with a black bag.
Harry: He was standing at the door of that house a moment ago. Now he's walking down the street.
Jack: Oh, that man. I don't know who he is. He's a stranger.
Harry: Look at the man who's running after him.
Jack: Yes. Perhaps the stranger is a thief.
Harry: I don't think so.
Jack: Wait a minute. I can recognize the man who's running after him. It's Mr. Green.
Harry: Now I remember. Mr. Green told me yesterday that his brother was coming.


1. stop eating something. 停止吃something。所谓病从口入,有时候生病是因为饮食不注意,比如吃了坏掉的东西拉肚子,当然也有可能是像医生提到的吸烟、喝酒过度之类的,国庆期间有没猛吃啊,有的话要注意咯,stop eating too much。

2. keep him in bed. 如果生病了呢,休息很重要的,所以要好好在床上躺着啦。                天津英语家教   天津小学英语家教  天津初中英语家教  天津高中英语家教jsbjj.365lzw.cn


来源:天津家教  天津小学家教  天津初中家教  天津高中家教  天津艺考生家教   天津高中英语家教  天津大学生家教  天津上门家教  天津一对一家教   天津津师吧家教jsbjj.365lzw.cn

