
来源:天津津师吧家教中心 日期:2013-6-3

Psychology claims that: when we sleep while hugging one pillow, we actually wish it to be the person we miss and love the most. 心理学表明:当我们抱着枕头睡觉的时候,事实上,我们是希望抱着的不是枕头,而是我们最想念最爱的人。

 Why did God make the world round? So that no matter how small or insignificant you think you are, wherever you stand on it you are still on top. 为什么老天要把地球做成圆的?因为这样的话,无论你觉得自己多么渺小多么不起眼,无论你站在哪里,你都是在地球的顶端。

When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened.每次我遇到令人担忧的事情就会想起一位垂死老人说的话:我一生总在无止境地忧虑其实很多担忧从未真正发生过。




