I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God's business.--Michael J. Fox我十分谨慎地把优秀和完美区分开来。优秀是我可以达到的,而完美则需要上帝的垂爱。
For better,for worse;For richer,for poorer;In sickness and in health;To love and to cherish, till death us do part!无论甘苦,无论贫富,无论病痛健康,我们彼此相爱珍惜,至死不渝
The worst enemy of today is your self-doubt. The moment you doubt whether you can do something is the moment it becomes impossible for you. 现在最大的敌人是你的自我怀疑。当你怀疑自己能否完成一些事情的时候,就是你不可能完成这些事情的开始。