来源:天津津师吧家教中心 日期:2013-3-15
Adv. →adj. Education plays a ( Divorce family exerts (
) important role in people’s success in career. ) detrimental effects on children’s mental health.
简单句( ;简单 简单句(simple sentence) 包含一个主语(并列主语)和一个谓语(并列谓语) ) : 句的特点就是简单、明了、有力。但简单句使用过多会使文章显得单调、乏味、结构松 散。 1. He teaches this class. 2. Tom and Jack often help each other. 3. All roads lead to Rome. 4. They had a full exchange of view on a series of major issues and reached an agreement on the matter. 5. I have never been to Tibet.
五种基本句型:S+Vi, S+V+O, S+V+0+C, S+V+Oi+Od, S+LV+P Subject=主语 Verbal phrase=谓语 Object=宾语 (Oi=间接宾语,Od=直接宾语) Complement=补语 Predicative=表语 S+Vi 1. Without gun, the suicide rate will go down. 2. Female violence has risen dramatically in recent decades. S+V+O 1. Media violence affect children’s mental health. 2. Frequent physical punishment contributes to a child’s later crimes. S+V+0+C 1. Gambling may turn an ordinary man crazy. 2. Educators call TV both a good and bad information source. 3. Parents should encourage their kids to take part in more rewarding activities. S+V+Oi+Od 1. Gambling could bring us a dramatic increase in crime. 2. Communicative service offers wrongdoers an opportunity to correct their misconduct. S+LV+P 1. Young people are the pillars of society. 2. Environmentalists’ opinions sound convincing. 主 系 表 VS 主 谓 宾
翻译: S+V 1. 随着经济的迅猛发展,环境也在不断地恶化。
3.1995 年至 1998 年,男生的人数保持稳定态势。
4. 8 月和 9 月期间汽车价格波动。fluctuate
5. 电视观众的人数在晚上 8 点到 10 点之间急剧上升。 TV viewers climb significantly viewers/
S+V+O 1. The toxic gases . 有毒气体危害人们健康。 2. Before presenting my view, I will . 在表明观点之前,我将讨论一下这具有争议的事件的正反面。 3. Art funding . 资助艺术浪费我们有限的公共资金。 4. Playing computer games . 打游戏浪费父母的血汗钱。 5.Improper living habits . 不良的生活习惯有害健康。 6. Unrestrained development of tourism . 旅游业无限制的发展破坏生态平衡。 7. Cross-cultural communication can . 跨文化交流有助于消除偏见和敌意。 8. Many residents the construction site which makes great noise day and night. 很多居民投诉整天发出巨大噪音的工地。 9. computer games . 过分沉迷于电脑游戏导致肥胖和近视。 10. You advertisement in Guangzhou Morning Post me. 贵公司刊载于《广州英文早报》的广告吸引了我。 11. I can hardly the latter opinion for the following several sound reasons. 我很难认同后一种